Saturday, October 29, 2005

Back to more dope on Pucci.. Uber Fahrttt......

"...Long long ago, so long ago that nobody knows how long ago, there lived an uber-geek in Chennai. He used to sit in front of a box that shone with a wierd luminance and produced what he called "code". His life was a happy one, and he did not have many worries. One fine rainy day, an old man appeared in his dream and said that he must travel, see the world and learn some new tricks. So off went our nerd to a riverside town that was called Kol-ka-ta. He found what the old man from the dream was talking about there, and spent two short years in the midst of an unruly crowd of people and learnt words like globe, put-lake, CP, etc. When he came back to his hometown, nobody could recognize him anymore, he was no more a geek.. he'd transformed into a "suit". His old friends could only identify him by his lanky frame and love for filter kaapi...
Thus was born the legend of the pucci, the geek, the lean, mean, coding machine that metamorphosed into a geela duuuude..."

This horrible stuff is from HERE

The real story behind the legend of the Pucci can be found


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